Workplace Safety

I came across an interesting short article written by Jennifer Gregory about safety for small businesses.  Because we often represent folks who get hurt while at work, we are always on the lookout for ways employers can really meaningfully improve safety.  This article by Jennifer is a great short piece with 5 safety tips:

  1. Post required signs – OSHA has specific requirements for safety signs
  2. Train, train, and train more – safety instruction must be an ongoing, regular process
  3. Drill to prepare for emergencies, like fires or explosions
  4. Measure safety – for example, post signs showing the days since the last safety  incident
  5. Offer safety prizes – financial incentives are great motivators!

OSHA has a great website full of safety tips and advice.  Jennifer’s full post on "5 Ways to Get Serious About Safety" is also worth a close read.