A tractor trailer driver failed to stop at a red light and struck a school bus carrying children from Wesleyan College in Macon yesterday. Amy Leigh Womack reports on this wreck in her Macon Telegraph article. Thankfully, the injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.
Tractor Trailer wrecks account for a large number of serious injuries and deaths on the roadways. It is a matter of physics: a truck weighing 80,000 pounds travelling at highway speeds that impacts a vehicle with a family inside will very likely do terrible injury to that family. But it is also more than just physics; it is also a matter of driver error in many cases. This Injury Board article states that in more than 80% of tractor trailer collisions with non-commercial vehicles, the non-commercial drivers (that’s you and me and all non-professional drivers) is not at fault.
As lawyers who represent families and individuals in cases involving trucking collisions, we too often hear terribly sad stories of people hurt or killed in truck wrecks because truck drivers are fatigued or not paying attention or are in a rush because their company puts profits ahead of safety. We want to do all we can to prevent needless injuries or deaths from truck wrecks. Please take a moment to review these tips for travelling safely on the roadway around tractor trailers.